The Sea Among Us

by Beamish, Richard & Gordon Mcfarlane, ed.

CAD $41.95

A comprehensive study of the Strait of Georgia, with chapters on geology, First Nations, history, oceanography, fish, birds, mammals, and plants. A sweeping overview of the waterway.

ISBN 10: 1550176838
ISBN 13: 9781550176834
Illustration: photos & illus.
Pages: 400
Published: 2015
Format: hardcover
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1 review for Sea Among Us

  1. Sam McLean

    From Ontario Sailor Magazine, March 2015
    The Straight of Georgia, lying between the B.C. coast and Vancouver Island, is home to Canada’s largest seaport and two-thirds of the province’s population, but also a wide diversity of sea life. In essence a large sea, these waters support the world’s densest population of harbour seals, largest concentration of bald eagles, biggest octopus (Pacific giant) and longest marine plant (bull kelp). This book is an exhaustive study of the area, and opens with details on geology, fish and marine life, and concludes with the impact people have had on the area through fishing, logging and other activities. The authors, both scientists who live on Vancouver island, warn that the ecosystem is one of the most threatened in Canada and have written this book for the enjoyment of the general public to connect people with the water and promote stewardship. Royalties from book sales go to the Pacific Salmon Foundation. The writers rely on many other scientists as chapter authors, although the text is fast-flowing and written in plain English without scientific jargon. There are lots of colourful photos, graphics and illustrations.

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